Friendship & Love

Fairy love Longing

They say love is real,

Yet when it comes to my door,

I yearn for fairy love.

I've been waiting for fairy love,

Yet they say, fairy love isn't real.

Oh, I believe fairy love is real!

I trust it will come true one day.

Yet, I miss you every day, ever since I spoke of my fairy love.

I don't even know you, but I might be smitten with you.

If fairy love is real, I want it to be with you!

Oh, I will be very happy once fairy love is real.

When will the day arrive?


I feel alone at night,

Longing to call you right away.

Yet, fear takes over me, and I think it's best not to—

Maybe I would have if we lived in a FairyLand.

Beyond the Horizon

Maybe it’s today,

Perhaps it’s tomorrow.

Yet, every day keeps passing by,

We keep moving forward.

We know we can’t live in the past,

Wishing for a day to go back home.

With each passing week,

We keep moving on, with or without you.

No matter how far the world has torn us apart,

We've never heard from one another.

Deep inside our hearts, we know

You live somewhere out there,

Breathing a different air,

Living in a different world.

But we believe that one day,

We will all meet once again.

We will see the same home.

We used to know.

Who Do you See?

When you gaze into the sky,

Who do you see?

The ones you hold dear,

Or those you miss dearly?

As I look into the vast sky,

All I see is what eludes my grasp—

Having traversed the globe,

Yet never encountered a soul like yours.

I yearn for a way to keep you near,

Praying for your well-being.

I'm sure you're fine, always resilient.

I'll be okay, but someone like you is irreplaceable.

Family Unbroken Ties


If I told you once

That I love you,

And I need you—

What would you do?

Will you hold me close,

In your arms secure,

Never letting go,

Or walk away, unsure?


Oh, I told you once,

And I'll tell you twice,

We're family strong,

No turning from ties.

If you need me near,

I'll be by your side,

In love crystal clear,

Family bond won't hide.


Oh, say goodbye,

Each time you come home,

As you hold me tight,

Hesitating to share...

What's wrong?


Aren't we family?

Don't lie to me,

I won't let you stray,

I'll go through the fray.

So, don't hesitate,

Share what's on your mind,

I'll stand by you straight,

In family ties, we bind.


Oh, brother dear,

Why do you walk away?

Tell me a story near,

Why you're there to stay

For me,

When I can't be there for you?

Aren't we family through and through?


We're family strong,

No hesitation in our song,

Share with me your heart,

I'll never let us part,

In love's embrace,

We find our place,

A family bond,

Forever strong.

I will be here

I know deep inside,

All will be well, the tide.

I never loved a weak man.

I know...

Back to me, you'll find your way.

So, I'll be here waiting for you,

Whatever life may put you through.

Wherever you are, you'll be alright,

In the darkness, you'll find the light.

And as you navigate your way,

I'll be here, waiting every day.

Melody of Love's Dance

Could you be the melody in my life's song, love?

Oh, in this intricate dance, perhaps I've lost my mind.

Would you chase me if I ever run and hide,

Or stand waiting for me by my side?

Oh, what a life to see, maybe I've lost my mind.

Please tell me this,

Would you smile if you saw me blushin'?

Or would you hold me, never let me go.

Oh, what a life to see, might have lost my mind.

Love, tonight I crave for you to be my unique hero.

Hallway of Our Hearts

I won’t let you wander down the hall,

If ever you wish to tread that way,

I'll be the one guiding you,

Never allowing you to journey down that hall alone.

Should you need to walk,

I'll be the steadfast floor beneath your feet.

When you require support to stand,

I'll be the helping hand at your command.

In moments of laughter,

I'll share countless jokes to lift your spirits high.

In times of tears,

I'll be there to offer comfort and dry your eyes.

Should loneliness strike,

I'll be your companion through the night.

When fear creeps in,

Rest assured, I'll be there to chase it away.

Even the beauty of the sky

Can't surpass your radiant face.

The remedy of the ocean

Is surpassed by my ability to wipe your tears.

So, never venture down that hall alone,

For the sky and the ocean wouldn't approve,

And neither would I.

Love Itself

Thee nev'r knoweth love

Until thee meeteth a person.

Whom nev'r leaveth thee

And no matter how much painful it can beest.

Whom overwhelm thy heart with affection

That enforce thee to showeth a alone ability

Or that maketh thee telleth those folk a tough matter,

Thee nev'r able to speaketh that matter ere.

Whom giveth thee smileth and bringeth a smileth...

Who giveth thee the desire to please that person

And yet giveth thee the feeling of avoiding that person

That giveth thee confusion.

Hence at which hour thee truly knoweth what love is.

Not about hurting, but about curing.

That is loveth.

Love's Priceless Treasure

A treasure that can't be replaced,

Not by wealth nor by mere money.

Thus, if someone says, 'I love you,'

You must treasure those words, so true.

In return, the other person treasures

Those words with honor and with due respect.

Eternal Dance of Hearts

Here I stand on this special night,

Pulling you close in my arms,

Making promises to you,

I'll never be late for you,

I'll always protect you.

So, love,

Hold me close!

Closer to your heart,

Don't ever let me go!

As we dance,

This one special dance for you,

On this special night,

I promise you,

I'm never letting you go!

Yet, here I stand with you,

On this special night,

Yearningly asking you:

Will you hold me close?

Worlds Intertwined

You and I are from different worlds,

When you entered my world,

It changed everything,

I admit.

You cannot be replaced,

Losing you creates a hole deep within.

The first time you spoke,

I knew I had to pull you in,

And yet,

We are too close now,

We are in too deep,

And here you are even deeper.

My beliefs and my perspective on life

Hurt you in a way I can't comprehend,

I can feel it,

Yet, I'm sorry, I can't break it.

I admit I have a sixth sense.

My heart welcomes the world,

Yet it's closed to the world,

It's open to you.


You and I are in one world.

Silent Confession

I don’t know how long,

These feelings I'll conceal,

Love you, and I just can’t,

Be without you, it's so surreal.

I wish I could confess,

How I feel, but I just stall,

Can't bring myself to say,

Those three words, I can’t install.

I keep lying to you,

It's easy to hide inside,

Why can't you see, it's true,

Love you, can't let it slide.

The Hunt for a Perfect Mate

If you always show your smile, believe, and love,

You will always be happy, and your life will change.

The hunt for a perfect mate,

Thy hardest, most toughest quest,

Is to find a perfect soul mate.

Good men are everywhere,

Handsome, respected, not players to beware.

Real men are rare.

Men who don't exploit affection or wealth,

The rarest kind sees beyond a woman's stealth.

Recognizing her beauty, strength, and flaws,

Accepting her in entirety without any pause.

Good women are everywhere,

Beautiful, respected, no sneaky affair.

Real women are rare.

Women who love a man for who he is,

Not for money, nor to be superior, but for the bliss.

The rarest kind is confident and wise,

Understanding a man's actions, the lows and highs.

A perfect woman comprehends mistakes and perfection,

Nurturing a bond built on mutual affection.

Once you find the rarest mate,

It's on both of you to cultivate the perfect soul mate.

Understanding through differences, no debate,

Ensures a lasting relationship's fate.

Perfection isn't all white, it has its black times,

That's when the building of a perfect soul mate chimes.

My Sister

Funny to think, I never thought I'd like you,

I never thought I'd tolerate you too.

You're so annoying, it's true,

Sometimes I wish,

I could smack the hell outta you,

Yet, sometimes,

you're the only reason I smile too.

Oh, my dear sister, I never like to show it,

But being around you, I must admit,

Makes my day lively and a bit annoying, a perfect fit.

Longing Smile Echoes

It's been so long since

I saw your smile.

You've got to be strong,

'Cause this time you ain't

Gonna walk away.

I know it's tough, but

You've got to keep on moving on,

No need to fake your smile.

It's been so long since I

Last saw your laugh.

I don’t know why, but that

Just doesn’t feel right.

You need to stop...

Blue Horizon Bonds

Under the blue horizon sun,

Looking down from the highest places...

All sadness, the pain vanishes so...

Oh, all the friends that I've met,

Hold me close, bring the brightest smile

To my face...

Oh, it doesn't matter how

Many times I messed up...

And you did as well.

We remained friends,

And the joy of being your friend

Will never vanish from my life,

Oh, dear friend,

How you make my day!

The brightest smiles lighten up my face.

Oh, if you see how happy I am,

Would you think I'm in love?


Making friends is hard, or so I've heard,

I make friends every day,

Yet not all choose to stay.

Thus, making friends is the easy part,

Keeping them is different, and can be hard.

Not all are worth keeping, especially if they use you,

That's what I've heard...

Yet, shouldn't friends be there for each other?

I say if your friends leave when you need them,

That's when they aren't worthy.

Cannot Say GoodBye

My dear, I can't bid goodbye,

How could you break your promise,

Leaving me alone in sorrow?

You vowed you wouldn't utter farewell.

I won't impede your departure, but know I'll miss you,

And I won't forget the times we shared,

You've always been by my side,

Through the years, months, and every day.

Now you're leaving me stranded,

I won't utter farewell, but wish you luck on your journey,

So when you return,

I'll be right here, waiting for you.