Life & Choices

Star Ignite

The night arrives,

You are on your knees,

As fire consumes,

Feeling trapped, in a nightmare,

Lost, everything you've known.

Don't despair!

Rise again!

Let the star ignite within your heart's depth,

As you survey your surroundings,

The fire fades, turning ashes to roses.

Let the star guide you to tomorrow!

Each heart holds a star within.

Once ignited, we will thrive!

Embrace World Change

The world is changing,

Time is moving.

You wonder why you are still standing in the same spot,

Questioning your actions,

Doubting if you're making mistakes.

That is your own fault.

You got caught up in your own hands,

Sitting and waiting for something to change.

That is your own fault,

Because life is in your hands.

But time ain’t waiting for anyone,

So don’t wait for time to pass by.

Time ain’t waiting for you,

So do what you gotta do.

Why don’t you stop?

Take hold of everything!

Find the Way of Life

Everything I yearned for,

Is it etched in every stride?

The cravings that consume,

Is it the path I abide?

Desires lingering unfulfilled,

Echoes of dreams undone.

In the maze of wants, I ponder,

Seeking beyond where limits shun.

Not an immediate find, my way,

Yet, in time's embrace, I sway.

How Bright the Star

I long to journey back in time,

Seeking understanding, a comforting climb.

A reset button to begin anew,

Erasing words and deeds we rue.

As time advances, relentless and bold,

Each day unfolds, a story retold.

Amid the tales, I'm told with care,

That an enduring light within will fare.

Regrettably, I confess and lament,

I can't perceive the light you invent.

A solitary star in the night's embrace,

Shining alone in the vast cosmic space.

Dimming away, the light's silent cries,

A celestial farewell, like shooting star goodbyes.

Gazing into the night, the star in dismay,

Where has the light gone, fading day by day?

Live in fairyland?

Will you hold me close?

Will you tell me a story?

A tale of when we came the fairyland.

Are we fairies? 

We're born as fairies,

In a realm of FairyLand.

We do as we please,

Flying where desires seize.

Yearning for a hand to hold,

Fairies, there to enfold.

Yes, we're fairies true,

In fairyland we knew.

Singing, playing, dancing free,

Living in fairyland.

Are fairies real, or just a tale?

They say fairies aren’t real.

Yes, we are fairies!

Victim or Heroic Shadows

Who will be the victim?

Who will emerge as the hero?

Who will shine like the sun,

Standing strong as the night surrounds them?

Will the angels shed tears,

Or will the devil weep?

No one knows.

Yet, deep down, we know.

We are all one and the same.

Heroes and victims, we all become.

Enveloped by the night's embrace,

In the profound darkness that surrounds.

No one to seek, not a voice to speak.

Though not in the same space and time,

We are all one and the same.

We Make Tomorrow

Distance and time might keep us apart.

The longing still exists inside our heart,

A thread holding our hearts tight,

Passes through time and space.

The year near the end yet again.

Now is the time,

We can make a wish by the passing of the beautiful stars.

Where we can return to our families and friends,

Where we can enjoy our days.

Let's get going now.

Let's make a change and restore it all!

For in our unity comes strength,

Nothing can beat us all!

And with the strength of hearts, we make tomorrow,

A tomorrow filled with peace and beauty between us all!

Our land filled with joy, oh pearl in the sky,

Oh, our home, our ground.

Call us, and we'll answer your call.

Even if the cost is great, we can make tomorrow!

We can save our soil.

Resilience and Reckoning

Day by day,

The chains grow tighter,

Their wrists can barely twist,

Screams of agony echo,

Aching in their hearts,

Awaiting the day to be heard and seen.

Those racists are not evil,

They're ignorant and lost,

Imprisoned not by chains,

But by their own agendas.

At times, the sight of freedom is vague,

Hard to see the light.

Slaves have something thy foes did not,

They have each other.

The day they strike back --

Will surely be a reckoning.

Sitting in Anticipation

I’m here, waiting,

For the unknown to unfold,

Staring at my screen,

Day in, day out, a story untold.

Yearning for something new,

Craving change's embrace,

Longing for someone to say, "Hello!"

Yet, the scene remains in its space.

If it's unbearable,

Then forge a change,

Send that hello, don't wait,

Create something new, rearrange.

Seize the world in your hands,

Claim whatever you want!

Saint or No Saint?

Every day, we meet,

Everyone, we indulge.

Every turn, we twist,

Every twist, we alter,

And I, for one,

I twisted! I have turned!

I altered! I have changed!

Every hour we meet,

You say I am a saint.

No, I ain’t a saint no more!

I flew, I have fallen!

I twisted, tried to fly again!

No, I ain’t flying no more!

My wings have twisted and broken,

No, I ain’t a saint no more!

I twisted! I have turned!

I altered! I have changed!

No! No! No!

I ain’t a saint no more.

Emerging into the Light

As we break in the night,

And step into the radiant light.

Unraveling the ties that bind,

Yet holding tight, a paradox of the mind.

A new century dawns, an era ends,

Through shadows and darkness, we transcend.

Emerging into the light, we feign a smile,

Yet within, broken and empty, all the while.

Forgotten laughter, hearts unable to smile,

In the supposed light, a deceptive aisle.

Makes us ponder, is this truly the light,

Or just another shade of a haunting night?

Resilient Unity

Humanity under attack,

Invisible Foe laughing.

Our hearts weep in ceaseless pain,

Fear, solitude, an echo in the silent abyss.

Hear us, Invisible Foe!

You will not break us.

We're all right here together!

Burning Souls' Radiance

Burning fire through my eyes,

Every turn I take, a blow of heated wind running into my eyes.

Every step I take, burning fire, flaming beneath my feet.

When you see through my eyes,

You see the fire burning within my soul.

Like a shining star, thy burning soul,

Every step I take, and every turn I make!

A burning fire flashes into my eyes.

Oh, if hell is thy fire,

My flaming soul, a force to inspire,

Shaking hell into ashes, afar,

From my path, like a radiant star.

Greed Whispers of Avarice


Unknown the difference in need and want.

We call it greed.

We want jewelry, affection, money, and even more.

We name it all.

We think we can have it all.

Yet obstacles get in our way.

And obstacles can't be shaken away.

We force them to slide away,

By that, we regret the second day.

We want it all, yet we shouldn't have it all.

And we do, we regret.

We blame greed.

Yet is it greed's fault?

Never Alter Bonds

I see you all the time,

I can never push you aside.

I would rather be on my own,

making my own path,

But I want you by my side.

Leave, leave, leave.

I can never change.

I always care, worry too much.

I always want to tell you everything,

Yet, I don’t want to hurt you.

And when I do tell you,

I seem always to hurt you instead.

So, leave, leave, leave.

I wish I could walk away,

But I can never walk away,

Not from you...

No... no...

Will you find your way back to me?

Will I still be there?

I don’t know.

I can never change.

Ocean Yearning Waves

How beautiful can the ocean be?

When we swim in the ocean,

As we make new memories.

Even when we drink from the ocean.

We feel the new life runs in our vines.

As we glance over the ocean,

We see our whole life flash before our eyes.

Once we are above the ocean,

We notice how beautiful our life will be.

If we stand in the middle of the ocean,

As if the storm passes by us.

Taking every struggle and agony in ours,

Away as the ocean flows beneath our feet.

Shades of Deception

There is nothing black and white,

Don't ever believe...

In what you see!

Don't ever believe

In what they say!

Cause it can never be

What they appear to be...

Whom appears to be an angel is the devil.

Whom appears to be beauty is actually ugly.

Unveiling the Layers Within

In the tapestry of my youth, I'm but a thread,

Woven through trials that sculpted who I am.

Wisdom beyond my years, a linguistic symphony,

A versatile artist, a poet's soul in me.

On the tennis court, a dancer with the ball,

A soccer player, a fighter, standing tall.

Yet, appearances belie the norm,

For I don't claim to be just human form.

Survivor of life's tragic tales,

Kidnapping's shadow, harassment's veils.

Witness to loved ones' tragic demise,

Forced into an engagement, a stranger's ties.

My family, held at gunpoint, in despair,

Witnessing self-inflicted pain laid bare.

In my trembling, vulnerable past,

The allure of drugs forever cast.

But I steered clear, resisted the call,

Suicidal whispers, never did befall.

Today, I stand, confident, bold,

Life lived on the edge, stories untold.

Behind my smile, a life not serene,

Yet, I smile to keep their joy pristine.

Passion fuels my every stride,

I endure pain so their tears can hide.

Fear, regrets, sadness I bear alone,

To witness their smiles brightly shone.

Not perfect, I face my reflection's gaze,

A mirror of secrets, a clandestine maze.

When truth spills, labeled a liar's guise,

Ironically, lying to safeguard others' ties.

Yet onward I tread, an unwavering flow,

To be strong, confident, and brave, I go.

Count the stars

I count the stars every night,

People ask me why.

And I say,

Looking at the stars,

I see my childhood,

Flying back through my eyes.

Every count I make is like every memory I ever lived,

I relive it all again as I count the stars.

And the star that passes by is every person

I've crossed paths with and never seen again.

Three words of life

Smile, believe, and love,

Let your grin ignite the night,

Believe in power, below and above,

Love every soul in sight.

In the eternal dance of your heart's glow,

Smile, believe, and love,

Discover the source of happiness,

Witness your life's melody rise like a dove.

Echoes of Eternity

Stories waiting to unfold,

Wisdom seeking to be told.

Born into life, destined to cease,

Yet within us, existence finds release.

Legends crafted, destinies woven,

Echoes of greatness, forever unbroken.

From Lincoln’s resolve to Jobs’ innovation,

Choices shaping our shared narration.

Each decision echoes beyond our span,

Shaping a brighter future's plan.

One life begins as another ends,

Moments of joy, sorrow that mends.

In the vastness of existence,

One soul, one world, one persistence.


Oh, remedy,

Once you've attained the only thing you desire,

The moment you lose everything

You ever had,

It's such an irony.

Remedy repeats itself

With happiness and desires.

Unbridled Ascent

Run to the sky,

Beyond the mountain.

No, I'm not gonna stop.

Don't try to stop me,

You broke my heart,

And the devil runs in my veins—

Told me to run at the speed of light.

So, I'm gonna run to the sky,

Beyond the mountains.

I will break every rock in my road,

I will pass every ocean in my pathway.

Embracing the All-In Risks

Suddenly, I’m facing three roads

Road on my corner can keep me-

Flying in the sky and never fall;

Road on my right can take me-

Far beyond heaven.

Road on my left can take me-

Far beyond the sky.

I said yes to all, but again no-

Wondering in my wonderworld,

Considering what road to take,

Considered over and over,

And yet again, no result.

Believing, I had enough time,

But, my foe scarcity said otherwise.

I said, thanks to scarcity,

I prefer to keep flying and go farther,

Beyond heavens and sky.

So scarcity, I’m taking the risks to say yes to all.

The sacrifices are the same for all roads.

Unseen Scars Unveiling

As I walk down the street,

Wondering if I'm waiting for a miracle.

To seal my hidden wounds,

If it's even worth waiting.

Facing a dark hidden street,

A flash comes flashing,

Takes me back to the past,

Thinking of the days I tried-

To seal my hidden wounds,

With the knowledge of medicine.

Yet, my hidden wound is still there,

Not cured, not gone,

Only a waste of time.

Walking through the dark street,

I realize having faith in a miracle,

To seal my hidden wound,

Is worth trying one last time.

Lines Crossed

I’m lost for words, don’t you see?

In the web of excuses, I entangle me.

I’ve crossed lines, no denying,

Actions that might leave you sighing.

I tread where I shouldn’t go,

Yet, you don’t know, you don’t know.

I’ve crossed lines, I confess,

Hidden truths cause this distress.

Dear friend, I’m unapologetic,

For the path I chose, energetic.

I don’t care if it stings,

If it nudges you to spread your wings.

Out of line, it may seem,

A reality, or just a dream.

Lines crossed for your reflection,

To steer you from a wrong direction.

You might resent, hate me today,

But down the road, you'll find a way.

To thank the one who dared to interfere,

And made you see a truth crystal clear.

Resilience in the Shadows

She was lost, abandoned not near her home,

But by school, not teachers.

A few months later, she became a liar.

People wondered why?

She was smart,

Top of her classes,

Loved by family.

People forgave her lies.

She didn’t see a difference.

After a year,

She turned quieter,

Lower class scores.

Hiding from her family.

Her family is worried,

She notices, she thought of leaving

Better for all.

One day, a young man met her.

And ever since that day,

She smiled, and her smile never faded again.

With no surprise to us all,

She came to the top of her classes once again.

Embrace the Light

If you keep the dark truth away,

Toss it into the depth of the unknown,


Let the world bask in the light,

Let the darkness vanish...

Fade away...

Into nothingness.

Don’t let it whisk you away...

Why don’t we disregard the night?

Just gaze into the stars,

The stars of our dreams.

So, live it,

Enjoy it while you can,

Walk through the light,

Let the darkness fade into nothingness.

You know, and I know,

It’s only a matter of time,

Before the darkest days arrive.

So live it, while you can.

Don’t give in,

Keep the light shining,

To fade away

All the darkness that dwells around you.

Moonlight Path

With each moonlight shining,

I am reaching the end of my divine.

With every rocky road, I have crossed,

I’m chasing an endless dream,

A dream of which I cannot seem to reach.

Maybe, I’m just reaching the end of divine.

The moonlight shining seems to be fading away.

As the moonlight path can’t seem to end.

I’m just getting further away...

I’m reaching the end of my divine.

Where I stood?

Where I stood?

Where I stand?

Where will I stand…?

I’m losing my mind!

This game of yours is tearing me apart.

This is where it began,

This is where it's gonna end.

It’s only a matter of time,

Before the broken star.

This is where I stood!

This is where I stand!

You dragged me from the dark.

I was raised in the dark.

I was born in the light!

You kept me from drifting into the dark!

Now, you're sucking me into your game!

Haven’t you had enough…?

Haven’t you tortured me enough…?

You turned my friends against me…

You took some of my loved ones' lives.

You succeeded, I admit it.

You are tearing me apart…

That's gone far enough.

It’s over…

It’s game over…

I give in, you won.

This is it…

I admit you have won!

I am done!

That’s gone far enough,

I’m tired, that’s enough.

Where I stand? Where I stood?

It’s only a matter of time,

Before the broken star.

New Beginnings

Let us begin

What we've never had before.

Let's start again,

Turn things around,

For we've never liked it like this.

So why do we sit

And not do anything?

Let's change things to

What we truly like.

It's Alright

She murmurs, “It's alright,”

But is it truly so?

One day, a knock upon her door,

“I can't bear it anymore,” she swore.

Yet her voice goes unheard,

As she opens the door,

Assuring, “It's alright, I'll manage—

No need to fret.”

Her voice echoes, heard by all.

But will she truly be alright?


Being a survivor wasn't my choice.

I've gone through the toughest life road,

Some might call it hell,

Others might call it sad,

Some might consider it a challenge,

A miracle that I consider.

Almost dead, countless times.

But I got away.

A building collapsed; oddly, I was there,

Many have died, yet I escaped.

Watched loved ones pass in front of my eyes.

Yet I lived on.

Drugs I craved, yet I avoided.

Friends who sold me out,

Yet I survived.

A survivor, that's what I am.

Different, that's who I am.

Religion, I choose.

Survival, I did not choose.

Strength, I choose.

The fear I might be hurt will never escape me.

So I say this to the world:

Dare and break me,

Dare and hurt me,

And I promise you, you will fail.

Patience in Desires

Waiting is a necessity

As you wait for summer,

Others wait for love.

You might have it all,

Yet you still wait for more desire.

Others have nothing,

Yet they wait for little desires.

Mountain Weeps

The light fades away,

And everything turns blank.

All I can hear,

"Honey, please don't leave me.

Mommy, mommy, please don't go."

My kids slipping out of hands,

My love's touch slipping away from my fingers,

And I'm screaming out of my mind!

“Please stay!”

Blood rushing through my veins,

Heartache won't stop,

No one can hear my voice.

As the light reaches through my eyes,

My kids smiling,

My love holding my hands tight.

All I could say, “I'm sorry, I was late last night.”

I was finally heard,

Heartache stopped.

God, when I saw the rain running down on my skin,

It was when I released,

Even the mountain weeps.

Cold Blooded Life

What a cold-blooded life.

I will not break!!!

Hear me loud and clear!

No matter how much death I see

And all the blood that I witness,

So save your breath!!

I will not break,

I will not fail again!!

I will keep on rising higher!

No matter how much war I witness,

Bodies, bullets, ashes—

Suffering, agony, all you bring.

Oh, what a cold-blooded life,

Who else will you take!!

Before my eyes,

Haven’t seen enough death,

Haven’t seen enough blood!

So keep bringing it on,

Just know!!

I will never bow!!

I will never break.

This world you have caused has forgotten

The meaning of karma, consumed by the trauma

That your cold-blooded life has caused.

Just know!!

There is nothing you throw at me that will pin me down.

Even when I am constantly falling,

The walls I have built keep breaking!

Save your breath!

Cold-blooded life!


I will never bow!!

I will never break!

I will keep on rising higher!

Circle Round

Circles around and round,

Every time,

You take a step back-

Away from all the chaos.

Oh, you know,

That you’re always there in the center of hell!

Trying to calm the fire down,

But the fire keeps on flaming.

You keep on crawling,

Trying to crawl out of the depth of hell,

But the demons keep on dragging you down.

Every time, you reach the surface,

You know it’s gonna happen again.

Don’t give in.

You made it through this far!

You can keep on fighting,

Ain’t no hell gonna hold you down!

It’s just the way life circles around!

Beauty of the World

Our world is full of beauty,

From the depths of the ocean to the sky.

This beauty, to human eyes, is fading.

Our world is not perfect, but it’s full of beauty.

Our world is doing everything it can possibly do

To function for us to live

And breathe fresh air under the horizon sun.

And that’s what makes it so darn beautiful.

Our world is filled with beauty,

From the depths of the lava underground to high above the sky.

Escaping the Abyss

Every time I try not to fall,

I keep falling down

Into the depth of the Abyss.

Every time I find my way out of the Abyss,

I get dragged right back in.

Every time I come home,

Your world falls apart.

I try so hard to make it better,

In the end…

It doesn’t even matter!

This house barely feels like home.

Every time

You are on the edge of dying!

Pain is what I love,

Pain is what I live for.

It is never my fault,

Yet I will always be the foe!

I've tried so hard,

It never seems enough.

But in the end,

It doesn’t even matter!

Don’t act like you know who I am,

Don’t act like you raised me.

You know nothing of me.

Don’t act like you are my parent,

Nor my brother or sister.

Because in the end, it doesn’t even matter.

All the Abyss that I have seen through my lifetime,

I keep being dragged into it again and again.

All the chains that keep on breaking,

Chain me up again and again.

Oh, pain is what I love,

Pain is what I live for.

It is never my fault.

I will never say I've had enough.

Keep on pushing me down,

Keep on chaining me up.

I will always keep breaking free,

And climbing up out of the Abyss.

Breaking Free

Stop chaining me down,

I will stand up once again!

I will break every chain!

Stop chaining me down,

You can't hold me down

Not for long, you can't!

No, you can't save me

Not from the persistence of life!

Laugh it off all you want!

I will make it turn into tears.

Oh, just don’t you dare tell me!

I didn't tell you or warn you!

Cause I have said it a million times.

I am just waiting for the right time

So stop chaining me down!

I will break all the chains!

Take My Soul

Oh, they spoke of my home, lost and gone,

I silenced them, urged them to be ashamed.

This haven, enduring through a lifetime.

Their gazes met mine, bewildered. I declared,

"You won’t grasp it until you've lived it,

Oh, and I have lived it!

So, retrieve my soul back Home,

My soul... Oh, my soul...

Yearning for my Home.

Closing my eyes, traversing from mountains to rivers.

My soul craves Home,

Passion burgeoning day by day.

Take my soul back home.

They urged silence, claimed it’s all lost.

I retorted, "Hush, my patience wanes.

Just reclaim my soul,

Back to my Home.

Freedom's Plea

Cease treating me as a little girl,

I'm weary of the false guidance,

Attempting to navigate my own life.

Yesterday, urging me to wed,

Today, instructing me not to cross the street.

Oh, cease treating me as a little girl!

Stop asserting control as if you own me!

I'm weary of the false guidance.

Addressing me as baby girl,

Only to command bearing children next.

Halt the deceptive directives.

Life is a game

Life is a game

Either you accept "game over"

Or simply keep on playing.

Whatever your choice might be,

It all depends on you.

If you choose "game over,"

You have chosen to sit down

And let life win the game.

Where you're gonna be left behind,

As life keeps on moving ahead.

If you choose to keep playing,

Then you have chosen to stand up,

And fight life so you can win!

And say goodbye to "game over."

What is home?

People ask, 'Where are you from?'

He says, 'I'm just a traveler,

I ain't got a place to call home.'

They said, 'Well, ain't you a lucky man.'

He laughed so hard,

As the wind breeze made the flowers dance.

He smelled the flowers around their guardian,

And he said, 'Nothing smells better than home.

You all are blessed after a long day,

You turn around and there it is,

A place you can relax in,

A place you filled with memories.

That you can relive anytime you want,

That, my friends, will last a lifetime.'

The people looked at each other with no words to speak.

The man continued, saying,

'I had a home, but the war horsemen had taken that away.

All he left is ashes and rocks covered

What I used to call home.

Now I'm just a traveler.'

A lady from the crowd of people says,

'Well, handsome man, this is your luckiest day.'

The man smiled, asking why?

She smiled, saying, 'I got an empty room in my house.'

The man replied, 'Only for tonight.

By sunrise, I will hit the road.'

Kick the fire up

Kick the fire all up,

All week long, working it up.

We’re makin' that money grow.

Building blocks, streets in tow.

Lights flashing all through the night,

Guiding us with their radiant light.

Kick the fire all up,

Weekend comes around,

Wins start popping up, banishing fears. 

Like fireworks painting the sky,

In these moments, spirits fly high.

Kick the fire all up,

Paying those bills around,

Friends come around,

Laughter's sound abound.

Open your eyes or Close

Your life halted at a sudden tragedy

Along the lengthy road you've traversed.

You confronted numerous fears, yet surpassed them all.

However, now fear has a grip on you.

You're shutting your eyes,

Resistant to opening them.

Listen to life as it rides on carelessness.

Take a look around you.

Open your eyes and observe -

As everything on your life's road is in motion

While you're held back by fear.

Will you allow fear to obstruct your journey on the life road?

Or will you open your eyes?

Burning Blaze

When the sun's on

And the sky goes off,

When the heat turns on

And the cold runs off.

The world is left on fire,

Fire is all around.

Can't take the heat,

So you run and hide.

Echoes of Eternity

Stories to be told,

Knowledge to be learned.

We are born to die,

Yet we are born to live on.

Legends to be made,

Legacy to be lived on for eternity.

From Abraham Lincoln to Steve Jobs.

The choices we make

Don’t only make us who we are,

Provide a better place for tomorrow.

One is all, and all is one.

We are born a minute, minute another dies,

One laughter a second, a second of sadness.

One is all, and all is one.

My Turn is Today

Today was my turn to say farewell,

The Lord has chosen me tonight.

I’m going away from this world.

But please don’t cry.

Just remember our good times together.

How thy love for each other never let us down,

Even in our hardest moments.

I will always be there by your side.

Every step of your life,

Every minute of your best moments and worst.

So please don’t cry.

I will always be there.

Let it Go

You must learn to let it go,

Life's toughest challenge,

Seemingly simple,

Yet, to release it, you know.

You can let it go,

Strength will be your guide,

Not to forget, but to grow,

Soon, realization will reside,

You must let it go,

Let it all go!


What am I seeking?

I am used to lying and faking nowadays.

As I close my eyes,

Thinking of nothing,

It can be considered certain.

Can’t cry over my weaknesses,

I can only hate myself,

Believing in this pain

My heart endures, this agony.

As I open my eyes,

Seeing the future I've been seeking,

On the other side of this persistent darkness

That I left behind.

There’s a tomorrow that has unlimited time,

Filled with the beauty of truth and reality.

Is Life a lie?

Is life a lie?

Born in lies,

Lies became life,

Believed I had a family,

A family to be loved.

Yet family was all a lie.

I had a mother, who was killed?

Yet now I hear, she’s alive?

A woman I loved as a sister I never had,

I avoided her, to never hurt her.

Now that woman hates me, hurt deep inside.

I promised to protect her, yet I failed.

She might love me a little, but it's never going to be the same.

This got me thinking of my four fathers.

I had a father, yet I have another father.

A father, who made me a killer.

Another father who sold me,

Taught me, sacrifices must be in vain.

Yet another father approached my life.

That father taught me, life is a lie,

He said, “Life is a lie, rather you become part of the lie

Or lie to get out of that lie and enter another,

There is no escape from fate.”

Yet another father I never knew I had,

A man I aimed to murder.

Planned for years and so on,

A way to eliminate him from existence.

Now, I learned that man is my father.

A man, I respected always spoke of him highly.

Yet, here I stand questioning every word,

All those men combined, oddly, even the man I respected.

Questions, I have no answers for;

Is life truly a lie?

What’s the truth? What’s not?

Why call the evil man, a good man?

Why speak so highly? When he’s nothing like that.

The man I despise the most is the man I desired to meet?

If life is a lie, then life, mind if I ask,

What is the lie? And what’s not?

Did the man I respected lie?

Or is this a mere act?

Pardon my questions, Life, but nothing makes sense now.

Hard to comprehend: the man I desired to meet,

Is the same man I despise the most.

I need answers, yet where to find them.

Grounded Strength

I can feel the sky closing up on me…

To taking my pain away…

I wanna stay up flying!

But I gotta snap back to reality...

I gotta be strong enough,

To stand on my feet.

To walk on the ground.

As I walk on the ground,

Looking at the sky Sayin-

I don’t need you!

To take anything away…

I can walk and take all the pain with me

Each and every day.

Choices of the River's Edge

I've got no control over this choice,

Stay in paradise with my dream's vision,

Or journey to a river, where innocence awaits—

Swimming in my mind, contemplating fates.

Yet, I've come to grasp there's no choice to make,

Only what's necessary, what's at stake.

So I scan the landscape, seeking my path,

Feeling where I'm drawn, no aftermath.

Understanding that duty comes before desire's call,

Not in the paradise forest where riches enthrall,

But in a river's dance of joy and strife,

Where my true purpose lies, shaping my life.

Keep Walking

It's a waste of your time,

To just walk away...

From everything in your life.

You've got to be strong!

You're going to have to stand!

Stop wasting time.

'Cause every time you waste,

It takes part of your life...

You're going to have to stand...

To save your life.

You've got to be strong...

There is no time to waste...

You've got to stand...

When you stand...

Don't stop...

Keep walking...

Even run if it's necessary!

Aching Optimism

I harbor no anger,

Nor carry any regret,

No sadness lingers,

It's just my ego, so optimistic.

If you wish to flee,

To the vast expanse of the sky,

Go, take flight, be free,

But shed not my skin.

I won't tether you close,

No desire to restrain,

Not sad, not upset, not morose,

Yet, my heart aches in silent pain.


Who's a hero?

Peer into the mirror,

Have you never endorsed pain?

For those you hold dear—

Perhaps family or friends.

Look within your gaze,

Haven't crossed the threshold?

For someone, you cherish.

In this vast world we share,

With riches and poverty,

Strength and fragility,

All of us in the same world,

United yet diverse,

But we are all Heroes.


I was born free!

Freedom is all I have ever known.

But you came along,

Now here I am, chained up.

So cut those chains from me!

Because I was born free!

You can’t contain me!

So cut those chains from me.


I’m sick of all

Who betray me?

My own so-called friends,

Those who turn me into a joke,

Those who oppress me,

Put me down.

Now I rise,

They will all fall into oblivion.

Embracing Changes

On the eve of November eighth,

A pivotal shift in my fate,

A twist in my life's intricate dance,

Parting ways with those who gave a chance.

Welcoming new faces, embracing change,

As I walk down streets, memories arrange,

Flashes from a past life come into sight,

Regrets are few, gratitude takes flight.

Put My Head on Your Shoulders

You once embraced me when the wounds were deep,

Through the hurt I caused, our friendship did keep.

I admit, I opened doors to temptation's call,

Longing for you, my friend, standing tall.

Trust me, believe me, hear my sincere plea,

Oh, just understand the complexities you see.

The things I do, a quest for solace and peace,

To lay my head on your shoulder, worries to release.

I know, sometimes I stumble, fail to find the grace,

But you're my friend, an everlasting embrace.

Changes ripple through, testing trust's domain,

Yet you remain a friend, through joy and pain.

Dear, I won't apologize for crossing lines untold,

In seeking comfort, a story to unfold.

I need to know if your shoulders bear the weight,

Of a friend finding solace, before it's too late.

Understand, my actions aren't a twisted play,

They're just to find if on your shoulders, I may lay.